Evaluating Vision Therapy Programs to Naturally Improve Eyesight
Evaluating Vision Therapy Programs to Naturally Improve Eyesight
How do I Evaluate a Vision Therapy Program?
The evaluation of visual improvement therapy programs raises many questions. Are all vision therapy programs created equal? Are Optometrist and Ophthalmologist administered programs different than self administered programs? Are $1,800, $180, or $80 dollar self administered vision therapy programs similar, or are they very different?
To answer these questions, one must first understand how to naturally improve eyesight, and then examine the components of an effective vision therapy program.
How to Naturally Improve Eyesight
There are three ways to naturally improve eyesight and correct blurred vision:
- Correction, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses
- Surgery
- Vision Therapy
Eyeglasses or contact lenses adjust the focal point of the lens on the retina and essentially stretch out the visual range. This serves to adjust or extend your clear visual range into the areas you use the most, or wish to see better in. This type of correction does not address the underlying cause of the improper focal problem. Problems in focusing can be caused by the size and length of your eyeball, the elasticity of the lens, and strength of the Ciliary muscle that adjusts the lens. These can change over time. The shape of the lens determines the focal point on the retina. Your Ciliary muscle must be able to change the shape of the lens to place the focal point of what you are viewing at the proper place on the retina in order for you to see it clearly. Correcting vision by eyeglasses or contact lenses does not permanently address these problems; it serves only as a temporary fix. Those with eyeglasses or contact lenses often find the strength of their prescription changes.
Unless there is an eye disease present, correcting vision through surgical procedures such as lasik, also does not permanently address the causes of the poor vision.
Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy works to naturally improve eyesight by strengthening the Ciliary muscles of the eye, promoting the flexibility of the lens, and providing you more voluntary control over where the lens of the eye places an objects focal point at the right place on the retina. This results in clear eyesight. In addition, Vision therapy increases focusing power, decreases eyestrain, and prevents the deterioration of eye sight.
If you understand how the eye works to produce clear sight, you will better understand how vision therapy helps you see more clearly. To learn about how the eye works, read How Eyesight Works.
What Makes an Effective Vision Therapy Program?
A vision therapy program is effective when it provides ways to relieve accumulated stress in the eye and strengthens the ability of the eye to focus. A good vision therapy program will also help you identify the poor visual practices that are causing your eye strain and eliminate them. It will help you identify the proper set of eye exercises for your specific eye deficiency.
An effective vision therapy program should:
- Provide and help you develop eye exercises that concentrate on and improve your specific sight deficiencies.
- Help you identify when to change your eye exercises based on your regular different visual practices.
- Identify the best eye exercises to decrease eye strain based on your visual practices.
- Perform eye exercises to increase your eye focusing power and accommodation based on your specific sight deficiencies.
- Increase the focusing power of the eye for specific objects at varying distances
- Help you eliminate poor visual practices.
- Incorporate proper visual practices into regular habit
- Eliminate accumulated eyestrain
With respect to eye exercises, a program should provide different exercises for different visual deficiencies. You will find certain exercises relax your eyes, others strengthen your ability to focus quickly, and some coordinate both of your eyes to work better together.
When you find the exercises that work for you, stick with them, and be diligent about using them. Be willing to change or vary those exercises as your visual practices improve. If you are addressing Computer Vision Syndrome your needs will most likely stay consistent. Revaluate and adjust your vision therapy program if needed by rotating in different eye exercises, at intervals you determine. In performing eye exercises, you will also learn how visual practices affect your vision and you will learn to change or alter those practices throughout the day to prevent eyestrain.
A program's effectiveness is not based on its cost or how many bells, whistles, lights, and/or special equipment that it has. If a program addresses these listed items, the results that you see from the program will most likely be from your tenacity in following the program verses certain therapy you follow.
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